When you are contemplating a proper floor plan in your retirement community, you have to be aware of a number of factors. Given that this may be your home for a while, it is important to get a floor plan that really works for you. This means ensuring that you have the right layout, everything that you need is accessible, and that the floor plan takes into consideration any medical issues that you may have. With this in mind, let us look at some of the factors you need to consider when thinking about floor plans in senior homes in Overland Park, KS.
As the years go by, it may become harder and harder for us to access some of the things that we previously could. Joint aches, balance issues and even memory loss may make our homes unsuitable for us. When you are considering a floor plan in a retirement community, it is important to take such things into consideration. For example, if you have joint issues, or are arthritic, apartments with staircases may be unsuitable. Not only are they inaccessible, but they may pose a danger to you physically.
When you are thinking of the ideal floor plan for your retirement community apartment, you also need to take into consideration the safety factor. As mentioned earlier, there is increased danger of slips and falls. These, as a matter of fact, are one of the leading causes of hospitalization among seniors in the United States. Falls can lead to serious medical conditions, bone fractures and worse. When reviewing your retirement community floor from a safety perspective, ensure that the apartment has level floors with no raised areas that could trip you. Bathrooms especially can be areas where falls occur and so ensure that you have safety features such as grip bars and non-slip floors.
If you are particularly vulnerable to slips and falls, additional factors can be considered when choosing a floor plan. These include specially-designed bathtubs and showers that make it safe for you to use the bathroom. Some retirement communities have specially designed shelves that ensure that everything is within reach without throwing yourself off balance.
Wheelchair Friendly
Another reality when you are in a retirement community is that you may have to use a wheelchair. This then raises the question of how wheelchair friendly your apartment is. For you to be able to use a wheelchair seamlessly, it is important that doors are wide enough to allow the movement of a wheelchair from one room to another. You will also have to consider how high shelves are placed, door/window handles and so on. Without these, living in your apartment might pose serious challenges.
Pet Friendly
If you have a pet, then the other thing to consider is how easy it is for your best friend to live with you. This means safety features such as pet barriers on the balcony to prevent falls. If possible, you will need to take your pet for walkies every now and then. How easy is it for you to access the first floor and so on?